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Kira Nerys

Kira Nerys

Kira Nerys was born in the Dahkur Province of Bajor in 2343.

The Bajoran name system states that Kira would be the equivalent of our second name and Nerys would be her first name. So friends would call her Nerys.

Her father Kira Taban raised the Kira family after Kira Maru was chosen to be a comfort women for the Cardassians stationed on Terok Nor. 7 years after leaving her family, Maru died in a Cardassian hospital. Taban died after a confrontation with the Cardassians. By this time Nerys was a members of the Shakaar resistance cell, who were fighting to liberate Bajor.

Nerys had 2 brothers but she's un aware of their fate.

In 2369 the Occupation of Bajor ended and Nerys was named as a Major in the New Bajoran Militia. The Bajoran previsional government requested help from the Federation and Nerys sees this as more outsiders messing with Bajor.

Commander Benjamin Sisko was assigned to Command the Former Ore processing station Terok Nor. (Now renamed Deep Space Nine)

Sisko requests a Bajoran be assigned as his executive officer and Major Kira Nerys is appointed to the post.

During her early time on DS9 Nerys is outspoken and opinionated. And she makes it clear she believes the Previsional government will soon fall and the Federation be forced to leave the sector.

Shortly after arriving on DS9 Sisko discovers a stable wormhole, which the Bajorans believe is the Celestial Temple, which contains their gods "The Prophets". As Sisko is the first known person to enter the temple the Bajorans believe him to be the Emissary. (A religious figure in the faith)

Even though at this early stage Nerys attitude towards the Federations involvement with Bajor begins to change. Especially as Bajors claim to the wormhole will be a lot stronger with Starfleets backing.

In 2373 Bajors petition to join the Federation is approved and Nerys is clearly pleased. After Sisko has a vision Bajor decides not to join the Federation. And this decision proves decisive when the Federation goes to war with the Gamma Quadrant race "The Dominion" in 2374. The Dominion offers Bajor a none aggression pact, which will keep Bajor safe. Something that wouldn't have been possible had Bajor been a Federation member.

Also in the same year Nerys becomes surrogate mother to Miles and Keiko O'Briens child.

When a shuttle accident forces Dr Bashir to transport the O'Briens unborn baby from Keiko's womb to Nerys womb, or risk Keiko and the baby dying.

When the baby is born the O'Briens call him Kirayoshi. Nerys maintains a connection with the baby, even claiming that Kirayoshi recognises her when she see's him. After living with the O'Briens during the pregnancy Nerys becomes "Auntie Nerys" to the family.

In 2374 the Dominion rages war against the Federation and Starfleet is driven from DS9. In accordance with the None Aggression pact Bajor is an allie to the Dominion so Bajoran personnel stay on station and work alongside Dominion personnel.

Before Starfleet leaves the station Nerys defends it against the Dominion fleet. And she activates Commander Sisko's computer programme that destroys most of the stations key systems.

Later that same year Kira joins forces with Rom, Odo and Jake Sisko to form their own resistance group to rage a secret fight against the founders.

Its now 2375 and Starfleet has re-taken DS9. Damar the former leader of Cardassia has turned against the Founders and starts a revolution on Cardassia. He asks Starfleet for help and Kira is given a Starfleet Commission of Commander. Kira, Odo and Garek leave DS9 and join Damars fight.

Also in 2375 Nerys receives a promotion in the Bajoran militia, to Colonel.

!!!!!!!!!!TO BE CONTINUED (SOON)!!!!!!!!!!