Emergency Medical Hologram
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The EMH was originally designed as a short term supplement to a ships medical staff and never intended for any long term use. The EMH on the USS Voyager was required to take on the job of the ships Chief Medical Officer when its own was killed during the ships passage to the Delta Quadrant.
When he's first activated his bed side manner is very abrupt and not very good at all. Mirroring that of his creator, Dr Lewis Zimmerman who's personality is very similar to that of the EMH.
Thankfully as the EMH or Doctor as he becomes known is used more he begins to develop his own character and dispenses with the original personality that was programmed into him.
After being in practically constant use for over 5 years the Doctor becomes more or less self aware. He realises he's no longer just an EMH.
In 2372 the Doctor is on the holodeck when a malfunction in his programme causes him to think he's actually human and Voyager and the rest of the crew are the holograms.
The real crew can't gain access to the holodeck when the malfunction spreads to the holodeck and the Doctor is sealed inside.
Later that same year the Doctor falls in love with a Vidiian. They have a brief relationship before she returns to her people to continue the struggle against the deadly disease, "The Phage".
The Doctors independence is further established in 2373 when he acquires a 29th century Mobile Emitter. The Doctor along with Voyager and crew are sent back in time and space to Earth 1996. They are sent there by a time ship from the future when it tries to destroy them. The time ship crashes in 1966 and Voyager is pulled back to 1996. Henry Starling sees the time ship crash and gets all the technology from it. And he has 30 years to investigate the equipment before Voyager arrives. Among this technology is the emitter. With Voyager hidden in orbit Starling with his superior technology is the only one capable of detecting the ship, and he downloads a number of the ships files including the EMH programme. In effect kidnapping the Doctor. Starling activates the Doctor using the Mobile emitter.
Its a small device that fits onto any holograms arm between the elbow and the shoulder. When wearing the emitter the holograms program is downloaded into the emtter so if the emitter is damaged or destroyed the holograms program will be lost indefinately.
The Holoemitter enables the Doctor to leave the confines of a sickbay or holodeck. He can even leave the ship.
(NOTE: The emitter has been worn on other parts of the body, such as the Doctors leg.)
In 2377 the Doctor and his Emitter are stolen by "Gar" a patient he was treating in sickbay. Gar rigs up a very inadequate substitute and leaves the ship. He then sells the Doctors emitter and programme to Chellick the administrator at a hospital on Dinaal. But thanks to his fellow Voyager cremates he's soon rescued.
Also that same year the Doctor is kidnapped by a group of holograms who were created using Federation technology by the Hirogen. After talking to the leader, Iden the Doctor finds his loyalties tested and decides to join their revolution. But he soon realises that Iden and his followers are only after revenge against the Hirogen who
designed their programmes.
Other significant events:
Seven of Nine hides the Doctor from the Lokirrim, a race of holo-hating people by downloading him into her Borg components. This has an unexpected side effect of giving the Doctor full control of Sevens body.